My Kit

Versatility is the cornerstone of my career.  Having the right gear, for the right job makes life easier, makes me sound better, and makes the whole business much more fun.

B&S trumpets offer me the flexibility I need.

   My Challenger II B flat & C trumpets, both reverse leadpipe and standard weight bell, are my work horses for everyday tasks for in the orchestra.

My beloved JBX B flat (Gold!) has an ultra responsive lightweight bell, giving the sizzle and edge I need in “show” work and lead big band charts.

My Exquisite E flat and C – designed in collaboration with my hero Malcolm McNab are slightly smaller bore and again have incredibly responsive leightweight bells.  Superb for close recording of film scores and content for TV and radio.

I love my Scherzer 8113 Picc – such a warm contrast to the brilliant and direct Schilke P5-4 which I favour for recording work 

Click on the links below for each instrument…